Monday, February 18, 2008

No, I Have Not Been Going to Meetings

In response to Dave who left a comment on my previous post.....As I think I mentioned in my first post on this blog I am just trying to quietly give up drinking without making a big deal about it. I don't want to go to public meetings so that a bunch of strangers can find out about my issues. Also, I am afraid that if I make a public declaration it will be even harder for me to give up drinking -- every time I have ever told my friends "I am on a diet" the next thing I know I am craving all kinds of fatty foods. When I have dieted successfully I have just quietly made changes in my diet without involving anyone else.

I have been trying to apply the same principle to giving up booze. Now I will grant you that it hasn't been going all that great since I seem to continue to drink several evenings a week -- but I am not drinking to excess either. I am going to continue my plan for awhile and see if I can actually give up drinking without involving a bunch of strangers...that is why I went to such pains to be anonymous on this blog. I really don't want anyone to know who I am. It takes me a very long time to trust people and to make meaningful friendships so I don't think that meetings with strangers will be all that helpful to me.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Hi Bunny. My friend Anybeth pointed me in your direction. I am new to the sobriety stuff too and I am not doing so well either. I have also been drinking frequently, but not excessively (most the time).

I can relate to your nightmares when you weren't drinking and your sleeping problems when you are.

I have been to a few AA meetings. I am just not convinced I am an alcoholic. Like you, *most* people who know me would say that there is no way I am, but I do most of my drinking alone, at home.

Hang in there. I'll keep swinging by to see how you are doing.