Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Gone But Not Forgotten

Hi there Ann and AnyBeth and Tyra...I am still here. I have just been beyond busy and I was traveling. Sadly this does not mean that I haven't been drinking.

The week before last I didn't drink because I was swamped with work and was getting ready to take a trip to San Francisco to hang out with one of my best girlfriends from college. Her husband was out of town for the week and mine didn't mind if I went out to see her for a few days. She has 2 kids so it was pretty tame but we drank too much wine. There is almost no way to go to her house an not drink wine because they have a 3,000 bottle cellar and a small vineyard so wine is everywhere there. When I got back I guess the wine that was still in my system made me want more to drink. yada yada and I was hungover on Monday. I slept OK last night but every night before that was rough.

Now I am scrambling to make up for my hungover and not-really-working-time because next Thursday my husband is taking me to Napa Valley for our anniversary. I told him that I am nervous about a long weekend in wine country because I have come to the conclusion that wine really messes me up. What I mean is that when I drink more than a glass or two of wine I don't sleep...sometimes for a couple of days. If I have some vodka or a few beers the effect isn't the same. I don't really know what I am going to do out there. Maybe I can be the designated driver. But that isn't really realistic. I am depressed about the trip because I am afraid that over a period of days I will drink too much, be sleep deprived and cranky and it will take me at least a week to recover from the trip. Most people wouldn't get this stressed over a trip to wine country....

I wish that we weren't going on this trip so that I could try to stay sober for awhile and so I could keep going to the gym every day. Before I left on the trip my workouts were better than they are now because I am still recovering from my trip and drinking. I am really bummed about all this. I guess I will just do my best to muddle through the next couple of weeks and sort of start over after the anniversary trip.

Will try to post more over the next couple of weeks. I am so glad that Ann Without Wine is back!


Anybeth said...

glad you're back. it sounds like a nice trip, visiting an old frind. I hope you had fun in spite of the too-much-wine.
could you be allergic? having it effect your sleep that badly sounds like a physical side affect that isn't just alcohol.

Jenn said...

It is so good to hear from you. Your wine country dilemma sounds a little like my vacation dilemma. I agree with Anybeth that maybe you are allergic to wine. Maybe you could play sick on the trip and just stay in the hotel room and sleep and read and order room service. Is that something that only a stay-at-home mom would fantasize about? Hope you have a great weekend.

Shadow said...

hiya! saw you over at ann's and thought i'd pop in...

your story reminded me of a visit to my sister, about 3 months into being sober. and she lives on a farm. a wine estate... the things we do... at one stage they were transfering 'wine-to-be' from one vat to another 'cause that's what must happen, and i was helping. as i was bending over the vat, i had this extreme physical reaction to the smell of the wine that my entire body started shaking. my sister saw immediately what was happening and understood and that was the end of helping with the wine-making process. the rest of the visit was wonderful.

anyway, i wish you safe travels along this sober road. it's not always easy, sometimes much simpler to just drink and to hell with the consequences, but i can tell you 2 things: it does get easier as time goes by and i can honestly say i feel better (emotionally) now that i don't. good luck!

molly said...

hope u doing well :)