Friday, January 4, 2008

Day 2

I haven't had anything to drink since Jan 1 so really this is day 3 of not drinking but I'll call it day 2 because of the blog. Anyway....last night my husband, J, had wine with dinner and a couple of scotches afterwards and I wasn't even tempted. The wine smelled very pungent to me and I am not sure why.

Yesterday I did 30 mins on the stairmaster and I hope to built up to at least an hour of cardio per day. On Jan 2 I did only 20 mins on the elliptical machine but I was hungover from new years day so it was pretty hard.

I hope I can keep this up. I feel more productive and, therefore, better about myself when I don't drink and waste portions of every day. I think part of my problem with booze, as strange as it sounds, is that I now work from home. When you work from home you can sleep later and you don't have to get dressed up and face people in an office so a hangover isn't as big of a deal as it would be if you had to show up in an office at 8am.

1 comment:

Pam Jarnagin said...

Hi, Bunny, and welcome!!! I'm so glad you found my blog, and this community of support. This group of people chronicling their struggles and triumphs, and giving one another support and encouragement has been one of the most crucial components of my recovery.

I read your previous post, too, and I'm struck by just how much you and I seem to have in common. Ultimately, only you can know if you are an alcoholic or not. From my own and others' experience, I will tell you that if you're thinking you might be, well, chances are you're one of us. Regardless, you are in the right place, so keep up those posts, girl!

The one MOST IMPORTANT THING is honesty. That's what your blog should always remain: a safe place to share your thoughts and emotions, your struggles and your triumphs, for YOU. Best of luck, sweetie! You can always email me, too (just get my email address from my Blogger profile).