Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day 22

I am still kind of sick. I wish I could kick this flu bug or whatever I have. My throat doesn't hurt anymore but my head is still a little congested and I cough a lot...I really hope this doesn't turn into bronchitis or something.

Last night I had a few glasses of scotch to ease the pain of being sick. I overdid it a little bit and didn't sleep very well. I guess it was a bad idea to put scotch in tea even though it made me feel better at the time. So today I had tea with no booze. What a concept.

I have been watching the new VH1 show "Celebrity Rehab". Scary. I watch some of those folks and think how easy it would be to wind up in their shoes. Jeff Conway is so sick that its really terrifying. Fortunately I have never done any drugs nor have I been tempted and if I ever were tempted just thinking about him would turn me off. But even the ones who just drink have gotten me thinking about what could wind up happening if I were to continue to drink a lot. Not a pretty picture.

1 comment:

Anybeth said...

I love Celebrity Rehab.