Sunday, January 6, 2008

Days 3 & 4 - what a disaster

So here I am 3 days into an attempt at sobriety and I have already caved. I had 2 cocktails on Friday night...I wasn't drunk or anything but the point is that I had a drink. Also had wine with dinner last night. Again, no drunkenness but still... I guess I have no willpower.

I am not going to drink today and hopefully I can get through this week. On the bright side I have worked out every day since I started this blog. I may not work out today because I have so much work to catch up on.

I feel like such a loser for having the drinks.

1 comment:

Pam Jarnagin said...

Just remember, it's a journey, and there will be trips and slips along the way. Whatever you do, don't beat yourself up. We're here with you, girl! xoxo