Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wednesday Morning, Feeling Good

Last night around 10 pm when I was winding down for the day I contemplated "just 1" drink and, fortunately, was able to talk myself out of it. I slept so soundly last night and now I feel really great. I hope that I a can hang in there for awhile because my business is so busy now...many new clients and I really really want to write my book proposal this year. I keep talking about it and not doing it and that is one of my pet peeves: procrastination. I hope I sleep well tonight because there is a spin class at the gym that someone recommended to me that I really want to try.

1 comment:

Anybeth said...

It's really about talking to yourself and deciding what you REALLY want. Is that one drink that important? in the long run, I think it isn't.
Ugh, spin class. Have fun!